Category: Victoria Weight Loss Retreat

Lower Weight, Lower Blood Pressure

You know that maintaining a healthy weight is good for you, but it’s more than good for you – it could be a matter of life and death. Besides the fact that you’ll look and feel great, being at your ideal weight can also help you avoid numerous serious health risks, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, certain cancers, and, yes, high blood pressure. Lowering or avoiding hig…

Losing Weight after Menopause

It’s a common struggle: a woman approaching her 50s suddenly finds herself gaining weight, even though she is still eating the same thing she always has and working out just as hard. Conventional wisdom says that menopause renders weight gain inevitable and weight loss nearly impossible. However, this just isn’t true.

If you find yourself gaining weight or unable to lose weight during or…

5 Ways to Make Weight Loss Fun

When you think of dieting, having fun is probably not the first thing that comes to your mind. But maybe it should be! We love to have fun, and there’s no reason dieting has to mean boredom, deprivation, and sacrifice. Weight loss can be fun if you have the right attitude and make up your own rules. If your task is enjoyable, you’ll be much more likely to stick with it. Forget old-fashioned…

You Can Control What You Eat; Here’s How

Many individuals struggling with weight loss feel that no matter what they do, they simply can’t control what they eat. However, most people’s food behaviours are not actually out of control, despite what they believe about themselves. Your behaviour might look and feel as if it is out of control, but there are simple ways you can make peace with food and become empowered to make healthy…

The Best Time to Start Losing Weight Is Right Now

How many times have you told yourself you would start your diet after the weekend, or after the holidays, or when you’re dealing with less stress – but then find that you keep pushing it back over and over? Putting off weight loss until the “right time” is an exercise in futility. That’s because successful weight loss is always a lifelong endeavour. It’s a long-term proposition that…

Can Eating Breakfast Really Help You Lose Weight?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the “most important” meal of the day. That may be up for debate, but one thing isn’t: people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off are usually breakfast eaters.

People often think that by skipping breakfast, they’re cutting calories. The problem with this is that by lunchtime, they’re starving. They tend to overeat at later…

Dealing with Loose Skin after Weight Loss

When you lose a significant amount of weight, you’re probably looking forward to a tight, toned body. However, the reality is often extra, loose skin. This additional skin can be frustrating, especially after you’ve poured so much time and energy into reaching your weight-loss goals. Besides being disappointing, loose skin can also cause infections, rashes, and back pain, and it can stop you…

Easy Portion Control Tricks

It seems so simple on paper: eat too much and you’ll gain weight. However, knowing how much is too much isn’t always so simple. But with the right strategy, you can master portion control and reach your healthy weight-loss goals.
Use Smaller Plates
Downsizing your dinnerware is a great trick that can help you eat less while feeling like you’re eating more. Fill up a 9-inch plate, for…

Slow Weight Loss in a Fast Food World

In our fast-paced world, the notion of slowing down is difficult to grasp. However, when it comes to weight loss, experts believe that slow weight loss is the best way to achieve better health and reach weight loss milestones that stick.

Experts believe that a safe weight loss goal is losing an average of less than one kilogramme in a week. Losing weight quickly may seem like the best fix for…

Green Tea—Nature’s Weight-Loss Beverage

You’ve been exercising for many months and have lost several pounds. Now, however, you’re beginning to notice that you’re plateauing. Your workouts seem to be becoming less effective, and you’ve still got that stubborn belly fat you’ve been trying to lose.

While this frustrating scenario could be caused by any number of variables and have a broad range of solutions, one way to…