
Weight-Loss Myths You Should Probably Ignore

No matter how strictly you follow your healthy diet and fitness routine, if you buy into incorrect myths, you might find that you aren’t getting the results you want. In general, a good rule of thumb is to be wary of “quick and easy” weight loss solutions. Magic bullets are tempting, but wasting time on fads and gimmicks will ultimately sabotage your efforts. The following myths are ones you can safely ignore to maximise your odds of reaching your weight-loss goals.

Myth: You should always avoid snacking between meals.

The truth is that there is no reason to go hungry when you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re hungry, you should eat, regardless of what time it is. If you wait until you’re starving to eat, you’re much more likely to overdo it. Just make sure your snacks are healthy, such as fruit, veggies, or nuts.

Myth: You can’t eat fast food.

Sure, you aren’t going to lose weight downing double cheeseburgers and sodas on a daily basis. However, you don’t have to ditch fast food altogether. It can be a convenient way to eat when you are having a particularly busy day or want a treat. The trick is to take advantage of the many healthier fast food options being offered these days by choosing salads, opting for grilled chicken instead of fried, and skipping calorie-laden extras such as cheese and sauces.

Myth: Carbs are bad.

Carbs aren’t inherently bad – but they aren’t all created equal. You need carbs as fuel for workouts, and carbs have a way of keeping you full and satisfied. Instead of processed carbs high in sugar and white flour, choose whole grains, beans, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

Myth: You’ll never gain weight as long as you eat well and exercise regularly.

As you change, grow, and age, you need to be ready to make lifestyle adjustments. Your metabolism will slow down as you get older, and your activity level may fluctuate. Sometimes, you’ll have to eat less to keep the number on the scale where you want it. Your metabolism rate will continue to slow after the age of 40 or so, so keep your diet plan flexible to compensate.

There will always be new weight-loss schemes, so check your sources, educate yourself, and close your ears to nonsense so that you can stay the course and keep in line with your goals.

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