5 Helpful (and Free) Weight Loss Apps

If you’re like most people, you’re using your smartphone to assist you with everything from Internet browsing to taking photos to communicating with your friends and more, so why not use it to help you lose weight? There are tons of weight loss and fitness apps available that can make it much simpler to track your calorie intake and stick to your healthy diet plan.
1. MyFitnessPal. This is one of the highest rated weight loss apps for Android and iPhone alike. It has an impressive database of more than three million foods and their calorie counts, plus it allows you to track your water intake, daily exercise, and weight loss progress. You can also sync with your computer so you can track from either place. It also offers a social network where you can connect with, encourage, and get encouragement from your friends.
2. Noom. Noom has a great diet tracker, a built-in fitness programme, and a helpful coaching system. With instant feedback, a solid food search algorithm, calorie tracking, and the ability to connect and share with friends, this app offers everything you need to stay on track.
3. Diet Assistant. One of the best Android weight loss apps, Diet Assistant allows you to add your own diet and it will assist you in creating meal plans. It will also give you a variety of meal options, taking into account whether your diet is high protein, vegetarian, or what have you. Track your weight, find customised shopping lists, and more with this helpful app.
4. Lose It! This app allows you to set your target caloric intake, track your exercise, and more. It also offers peer support and customisable diet plans. This is a great app for setting not only weight loss goals but also goals for other things such as blood pressure, hydration, and sleep.
5. Effective Weight Loss Guide. This app differs somewhat from the others on the list in that rather than focusing on tracking meal plans and calories, it offers helpful, easy to understand information in the form of weight loss tips, recipes, and a fat calculator.
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