
Do Cheat Meals Help or Hurt Your Weight-Loss Efforts?

Although it may seem counterintuitive, many weight-loss experts recommend “cheating” now and then so that you avoid feeling deprived and giving up on your diet altogether. Because your diet must be a permanent lifestyle change to be successful, it works best if you allow yourself some flexibility. Knowing that you can cheat on occasion makes your diet easier and more sustainable, and it’s…

Is a Raw Food Diet Really Healthy?

The idea of a raw food diet follows the belief that heating food destroys its natural enzymes and nutrients, essentially “killing” the food. Cooking food is bad, say raw food proponents, because whole foods in their raw state have the power to fight chronic disease and boost digestion, benefits you miss out on by cooking your meals. Some fans of this diet believe that cooking even makes food…

Can Weight Loss Eliminate Sleep Apnoea?

Does your snoring drive your partner crazy? Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnoea, or suspect you may have it? You might be thinking that you can’t avoid one of those awkward-looking sleep masks, but there might be another option. For starters, not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea, which causes you to stop breathing for brief periods during sleep. Sleep apnoea is a leading cause of…

Processed Foods Are Everywhere – Here’s How to Eat Healthy Anyway

How many of your meals during the past week contained processed foods? If you’re like most people, the answer is that a high percentage of them did. For better or worse, we are surrounded by processed foods. You know that you should be eating whole apples rather than apple pie, but it’s not always that black and white. Just because something is processed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad…

Maximise Weight Loss with These Four Lifestyle Changes

Losing weight is one of the hardest goals to achieve. There are so many factors that contribute to being overweight; eating too much and exercising too little is not all there is to consider. Maintaining a healthy weight can also be made difficult by genetics, hormones, individual metabolic rates, medications, and more. Here are four lifestyle changes you can make to maximise your weight loss…

Lower Weight, Lower Blood Pressure

You know that maintaining a healthy weight is good for you, but it’s more than good for you – it could be a matter of life and death. Besides the fact that you’ll look and feel great, being at your ideal weight can also help you avoid numerous serious health risks, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, certain cancers, and, yes, high blood pressure. Lowering or avoiding hig…

Can a Healthy Diet Help Your Scars Heal?

People end up with scars from many different causes, such as surgery, injury, or acne. If you have significant scarring, especially in a visible area, you’re probably anxious to help the scars fade and heal faster. Did you know that your diet plays an important role in this healing process?

There’s no single “magic” food that makes your body heal faster, but a diet that’s healthy…

Can Food Make Your Skin Healthy?

You probably have a favourite face cleanser, cream, or treatment, but it’s important to understand that beautiful, healthy skin begins with nourishment from within. As your skin cells age, they are constantly shed and replaced by new, younger ones. This rapid growth depends on a steady supply of micronutrients. The right balance of foods can help your skin stay soft, supple, and clear by…

Losing Weight after Menopause

It’s a common struggle: a woman approaching her 50s suddenly finds herself gaining weight, even though she is still eating the same thing she always has and working out just as hard. Conventional wisdom says that menopause renders weight gain inevitable and weight loss nearly impossible. However, this just isn’t true.

If you find yourself gaining weight or unable to lose weight during or…

Salt and Your Health

Too much sodium in your system can cause your body to retain excess water. This does more than make your rings feel tighter and cause the number on the scale to creep up. It also places a significant burden on your heart, potentially leading to high blood pressure. Consuming less sodium can help you avoid high blood pressure or even lower it if it’s already high. This is important becaus…