
The Truth about Detox Diets

These days, everyone seems to be talking about cleanses or detox diets. Proponents say that toxins are a problem which you should eliminate from your body for optimal health. But—just what are these toxins, and what do detox diets actually achieve? These days, everyone seems to be talking about cleanses or detox diets. Proponents say that toxins are a problem which you should eliminate from…

Healthy Cooking for One – Yes, It Can Be Easy!

Living alone has many advantages, including having your own space to decorate and relax in, peace and quiet anytime you need it, and undisturbed order (or freedom to make a mess). However, some things are easier and more fun with another person to share them with. Cooking typically falls in this category. Cooking for family members or guests evokes a sense of accomplishment, but cooking for…

3 Ways Alcohol Interferes with Weight Loss

Many people find alcohol a pleasant part of our society’s traditions. It’s often a fun and delicious way to celebrate special occasions with friends or family, or unwind after a long day. However, there are some significant concerns surrounding alcohol, and one of them has to do with its negative impact on your weight-loss efforts. Here’s how alcohol may interfere with your goals and why…

Chew Your Way to Health

Think about the last meal you ate. Did you give any thought to how long you chewed each bite? Probably not: most people chew out of habit without considering exactly how they do it. As soon as you put a bite of food into your mouth, you probably chew and swallow it automatically. We tend to be so busy these days that we eat on the run or in a hurry, and we fail to take the time to chew our food…

The Key to Weight Loss? Personal Responsibility

We all know people who blame outside influences for their lot in life. You may have friends or relatives who seem to latch onto any and every excuse for why they are overweight. They may blame their friends, their partner, their genetic makeup, their job, or their finances – anything but their personal choices.

The fact is that when it comes to any weight loss program, the changes necessary…

Is Gluten Really Bad for You?

These days, it’s easy to find a multitude of gluten-free products by simply strolling down any grocery aisle. Stores are full of gluten-free bread, gluten-free beer, gluten-free brownie mixes, and much more. More people than ever choose to eat gluten-free diets, but is this way of eating really better for you? What’s the deal with gluten, anyway?

The word “gluten” means “glue” in…

Weight-Loss Myths You Should Probably Ignore

No matter how strictly you follow your healthy diet and fitness routine, if you buy into incorrect myths, you might find that you aren’t getting the results you want. In general, a good rule of thumb is to be wary of “quick and easy” weight loss solutions. Magic bullets are tempting, but wasting time on fads and gimmicks will ultimately sabotage your efforts. The following myths are ones…

Why Cardio Might Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

No one is disputing the fact that cardio workouts can do incredible things for your body. Cardio can improve your heart health, increase your lung capacity, and lift your mood, so cardio has a place in your overall health strategy. That said, there is one area in which cardio tends to be highly overrated: helping you lose weight. If you’re spending hours running or biking in hopes of shedding…

Choosing Healthy Grains

Grains often get a bad rap when it comes to healthy food choices, and that’s fair if you typically choose white bread, crackers, cereals, and pastries. However, whole grains offer plenty of health benefits and can be a crucial component of your healthy diet. Many Australians don’t eat enough whole grains and don’t understand the benefits they provide.
What are Whole Grains?
Grains are t…

Understanding Micronutrients vs. Macronutrients

There’s some truth to the adage “you are what you eat.” The human body has the amazing ability to process the foods you eat and turn them into, well, you. Whether you eat a steak, an apple, or a piece of cheese, your body will break it down into its chemical components and reassemble those components into your cells and the energy you need to get through the day.

There’s a catch,…