Category: Health and Fitness

Change the Way You Shop to Lose Weight

If you are struggling to lose weight, take heart: success might be as simple as changing the way you shop for groceries. One simple change you can make is avoiding packaged “diet” products. Snacks, cookies, and cakes with labels that say “reduced sugar” or “low fat” may be deceptively high in calories. Besides that, they almost certainly lack essential nutrients your body needs. Her…

Can What You Eat Have an Impact on Your Anxiety?

Everyone knows that what you eat can affect your physical health, but did you know that it may also have an impact on your mental health? Anxiety is a prevalent psychological disorder affecting millions of people, and a growing body of evidence suggests a link between anxiety and diet.The relationship between mental health and food is a complex one. Your body has specific nutritional needs, and…

How to Pack Winning School Lunches

Healthy lifelong nutrition habits begin in childhood. If you pack lunch for your school-age child each day, it’s important to include a variety of healthy foods. When children eat well, they do better in school – focusing longer, concentrating more, and behaving better. Sending your child to school with a healthy lunch can help them learn well and be happier and more energetic throughout t…

Is Dried Fruit a Healthy Snack?

In your search for healthy, convenient snacks, you’ve probably come across dried fruit as a suggestion on more than one list or website. Dried fruit is certainly delicious, but is it really a healthy snack? The answer is complex.It’s true that dried fruits such as raisins, currants, and cranberries pack a big nutritional punch. That’s because as water is removed, the fibre and nutrients…

Eat Healthier with This Easy Swap

Sometimes, “simple swaps” aren’t so simple – or appetising. However, there is one food you should always keep on hand for a nutritious and diet-friendly substitution in many of your recipes: cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is creamy and rich and can stand in for such decadent ingredients as butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese with lots of protein and significantly less fat. Try using…

Finding the Best Weight-Loss Strategy for You

If you’ve tried losing weight without success, the problem may not be you at all; the problem may simply be you haven’t found the weight-loss plan that works for you. There are lots of ways to approach living a healthy lifestyle – not just one perfect way.The one thing that remains true across the board is diet and exercise are the two keys to weight loss. Beyond that, there are many ways…

Yoghurt: Healthy Snack or Dairy Dessert?

Marketers tend to present yoghurt as a health food, but is it? It does contain lots of protein, calcium, and probiotics, but there are so many choices that finding the best one can be a bit confusing. Most yoghurt is made from cow’s milk and live cultures that cause the milk to thicken and become tangy in flavour. But not all yoghurts are the same.Plain or naturalPlain or natural yoghurt…

Is Fruit Juice as Bad as Soft Drinks?

If you’ve done any reading about nutrition or, let’s face it, been on the Internet at all, you’ve probably heard that fruit juice is just as bad for you as soft drinks. Is this true – could sweet, natural fruit juices really be as bad for you as chemical-laden sodas?The answer is yes – with some caveats. Fruit juices are full of natural sugars, which are healthy in small doses. T…

Healthy Cooking for One – Yes, It Can Be Easy!

Living alone has many advantages, including having your own space to decorate and relax in, peace and quiet anytime you need it, and undisturbed order (or freedom to make a mess). However, some things are easier and more fun with another person to share them with. Cooking typically falls in this category. Cooking for family members or guests evokes a sense of accomplishment, but cooking for…

Chew Your Way to Health

Think about the last meal you ate. Did you give any thought to how long you chewed each bite? Probably not: most people chew out of habit without considering exactly how they do it. As soon as you put a bite of food into your mouth, you probably chew and swallow it automatically. We tend to be so busy these days that we eat on the run or in a hurry, and we fail to take the time to chew our food…