Category: Health and Fitness

Is Gluten Really Bad for You?

These days, it’s easy to find a multitude of gluten-free products by simply strolling down any grocery aisle. Stores are full of gluten-free bread, gluten-free beer, gluten-free brownie mixes, and much more. More people than ever choose to eat gluten-free diets, but is this way of eating really better for you? What’s the deal with gluten, anyway?

The word “gluten” means “glue” in…

Choosing Healthy Grains

Grains often get a bad rap when it comes to healthy food choices, and that’s fair if you typically choose white bread, crackers, cereals, and pastries. However, whole grains offer plenty of health benefits and can be a crucial component of your healthy diet. Many Australians don’t eat enough whole grains and don’t understand the benefits they provide.
What are Whole Grains?
Grains are t…

Understanding Micronutrients vs. Macronutrients

There’s some truth to the adage “you are what you eat.” The human body has the amazing ability to process the foods you eat and turn them into, well, you. Whether you eat a steak, an apple, or a piece of cheese, your body will break it down into its chemical components and reassemble those components into your cells and the energy you need to get through the day.

There’s a catch,…

Is a Raw Food Diet Really Healthy?

The idea of a raw food diet follows the belief that heating food destroys its natural enzymes and nutrients, essentially “killing” the food. Cooking food is bad, say raw food proponents, because whole foods in their raw state have the power to fight chronic disease and boost digestion, benefits you miss out on by cooking your meals. Some fans of this diet believe that cooking even makes food…

Processed Foods Are Everywhere – Here’s How to Eat Healthy Anyway

How many of your meals during the past week contained processed foods? If you’re like most people, the answer is that a high percentage of them did. For better or worse, we are surrounded by processed foods. You know that you should be eating whole apples rather than apple pie, but it’s not always that black and white. Just because something is processed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad…

Can a Healthy Diet Help Your Scars Heal?

People end up with scars from many different causes, such as surgery, injury, or acne. If you have significant scarring, especially in a visible area, you’re probably anxious to help the scars fade and heal faster. Did you know that your diet plays an important role in this healing process?

There’s no single “magic” food that makes your body heal faster, but a diet that’s healthy…

Can Food Make Your Skin Healthy?

You probably have a favourite face cleanser, cream, or treatment, but it’s important to understand that beautiful, healthy skin begins with nourishment from within. As your skin cells age, they are constantly shed and replaced by new, younger ones. This rapid growth depends on a steady supply of micronutrients. The right balance of foods can help your skin stay soft, supple, and clear by…

Salt and Your Health

Too much sodium in your system can cause your body to retain excess water. This does more than make your rings feel tighter and cause the number on the scale to creep up. It also places a significant burden on your heart, potentially leading to high blood pressure. Consuming less sodium can help you avoid high blood pressure or even lower it if it’s already high. This is important becaus…

Healthy Foods to Try This Year

You’ve finally learned how to pronounce quinoa and managed to find a kale recipe or two you can tolerate – but guess what? Now there’s a whole new batch of health foods gaining recognition, and they promise everything from better skin to enhanced mental acuity to weight loss. Step aside, fruit smoothie – there are some new players in town.
Jackfruit smells a little lik…

Party Food Can Be Fun and Healthy

Hosting a party (or attending one) does not mean that you have to toss your diet out the window for the night. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional splurge, of course – but doing so repeatedly as people tend to do during the holiday season is a surefire way to gain unwanted weight. Whether you’re the one making food for your guests or you’re just choosing what to put on your plate at t…