Category: Victoria Weight Loss Retreat

Healthy Late-Night Snacks that Won’t Ruin Your Diet

You’ve probably heard over, and over that you shouldn’t eat late at night. Unfortunately, some people seem to be hardwired to be hungry at night – and denying your nature is a sure-fire way to get so frustrated that you give up on your weight-loss goals. Instead, find healthy ways to satisfy those midnight cravings without repercussions. Here are some ideas.
Cereal and Milk
You may…

6 Fat Loss Tips that Can Benefit Anyone

There’s no big secret to losing weight; it’s all about what you eat and taking in fewer calories than you expend. However, other factors have an impact on your results. The habits below represent six important things you can do right now to see the changes you want.
1. Sleeping More
When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s harder to lose weight. That’s because being sleep-deprived can…

Losing Weight? Here’s How to Prevent the Dreaded Plateau

Almost everyone has experienced it at one time or another – the weight loss plateau. You’ve seen the number on the scale drop consistently week after week, but suddenly, you can’t get it to budge no matter what you do. This is extremely common after the first few weeks of starting a new diet and a primary reason so many people give up. It’s understandable: you’re working so hard and…

Plan Ahead for Weight-Loss Success

If you’ve tried losing weight without planning your meals, you know how much harder it can be. Too often, we start a diet only to give it up days or weeks later when we realise how hard it is and what a time commitment it can be to cook healthy meals and work consistently toward our goals. The truth is that the reason we so often give up has nothing to do with willpower or genetics; much of t…

Weight Loss Topics No One Wants to Talk About

Starting your weight loss journey can be challenging whether you are trying to lose a little or a lot. We all develop a vision of what we hope our bodies will look like once we reach our goals. However, it’s important to have realistic expectations so that you aren’t blindsided by these events but rather able to enjoy looking and feeling your best at your healthiest weight.
1. You’ll st…

Why Diets Don’t Work – and What to Do Instead

How many diets have you tried? One? 20? More? If you are still struggling with weight loss, the hard truth is probably becoming clear to you: diets don’t work.The word “diet” often simply refers to your daily food and drink, but we also know it in its more insidious form: a word that describes temporary, restrictive, and typically futile attempts to lose weight, including gimmicks and…

Can Caffeine Help You Lose Weight?

When it comes to losing weight, many people are willing to try just about anything. You may have heard rumours that upping your caffeine intake can help you shed unwanted kilos by increasing your metabolism. However, the truth is that no evidence points to this. It’s possible that caffeine may give you a temporary energy boost that makes it easier to convince yourself to put on your running…

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s natural to want to check your progress often to see how you’re doing. You want to know whether your efforts are paying off, and how quickly. How often should you weigh yourself to ensure that you get the motivation you need without becoming discouraged?First, keep in mind the scale is only one measure of your weight-loss success. Total body weight is…

How to Handle People Who Undermine Your Weight-Loss Goals

It’s a frustrating fact of life that when you’re trying to slim down, the people you should be able to count on for support often become your greatest obstacles. How many times have you heard things like, “Just one piece won’t hurt,” or, “Don’t bother losing weight. You look great!” Whether consciously or subconsciously, people who say these things are sabotaging your diet – or…

Trying to Lose Weight? 3 Things to Stop Doing Now

Are you trying to lose weight but not seeing the results you want? It can be extremely frustrating to feel like you’re doing your best and the scale just won’t cooperate. The solution could be as simple as identifying a few common mistakes that could be keeping you from losing the weight. Here are three things to stop doing now if you’re trying to slim down.1. Underestimating the amount of…