Category: Victoria Weight Loss Retreat

Australians Still Consuming Too Much Salt

Australian men and women are consuming far too much salt despite health warnings about the higher risk of heart disease associated with excess salt intake. The World Health Organization recommends eating no more than five grams of salt per day, yet many of us eat nearly twice that much or more.Part of the reason for the high average salt intake may be common misconceptions. For example, peo…

Three Daily Habits to Help You Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight – whether a little or a lot – there are a few simple changes you can make to your daily routine that will help. Losing weight may not be easy, but it’s doable. Make these three daily habits part of your life and you’re guaranteed to see results.1. Eat more vegetablesYou’ve been hearing it your whole life because it’s absolutely true. Veggies are low in…

The Truth about Detox Diets

These days, everyone seems to be talking about cleanses or detox diets. Proponents say that toxins are a problem which you should eliminate from your body for optimal health. But—just what are these toxins, and what do detox diets actually achieve? These days, everyone seems to be talking about cleanses or detox diets. Proponents say that toxins are a problem which you should eliminate from…

3 Ways Alcohol Interferes with Weight Loss

Many people find alcohol a pleasant part of our society’s traditions. It’s often a fun and delicious way to celebrate special occasions with friends or family, or unwind after a long day. However, there are some significant concerns surrounding alcohol, and one of them has to do with its negative impact on your weight-loss efforts. Here’s how alcohol may interfere with your goals and why…

The Key to Weight Loss? Personal Responsibility

We all know people who blame outside influences for their lot in life. You may have friends or relatives who seem to latch onto any and every excuse for why they are overweight. They may blame their friends, their partner, their genetic makeup, their job, or their finances – anything but their personal choices.

The fact is that when it comes to any weight loss program, the changes necessary…

Weight-Loss Myths You Should Probably Ignore

No matter how strictly you follow your healthy diet and fitness routine, if you buy into incorrect myths, you might find that you aren’t getting the results you want. In general, a good rule of thumb is to be wary of “quick and easy” weight loss solutions. Magic bullets are tempting, but wasting time on fads and gimmicks will ultimately sabotage your efforts. The following myths are ones…

Why Cardio Might Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

No one is disputing the fact that cardio workouts can do incredible things for your body. Cardio can improve your heart health, increase your lung capacity, and lift your mood, so cardio has a place in your overall health strategy. That said, there is one area in which cardio tends to be highly overrated: helping you lose weight. If you’re spending hours running or biking in hopes of shedding…

Do Cheat Meals Help or Hurt Your Weight-Loss Efforts?

Although it may seem counterintuitive, many weight-loss experts recommend “cheating” now and then so that you avoid feeling deprived and giving up on your diet altogether. Because your diet must be a permanent lifestyle change to be successful, it works best if you allow yourself some flexibility. Knowing that you can cheat on occasion makes your diet easier and more sustainable, and it’s…

Can Weight Loss Eliminate Sleep Apnoea?

Does your snoring drive your partner crazy? Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnoea, or suspect you may have it? You might be thinking that you can’t avoid one of those awkward-looking sleep masks, but there might be another option. For starters, not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea, which causes you to stop breathing for brief periods during sleep. Sleep apnoea is a leading cause of…

Maximise Weight Loss with These Four Lifestyle Changes

Losing weight is one of the hardest goals to achieve. There are so many factors that contribute to being overweight; eating too much and exercising too little is not all there is to consider. Maintaining a healthy weight can also be made difficult by genetics, hormones, individual metabolic rates, medications, and more. Here are four lifestyle changes you can make to maximise your weight loss…