Category: Victoria Weight Loss Retreat

Try These Methods to Stop Food Cravings

A food craving can be a challenge for anybody to deal with, but for those individuals who are actively trying to lose weight, it can be a major impediment to your progress. Unfortunately, it is often when you are trying to restrict yourself and to eat healthier that those unhealthy cravings most often arise, and you find yourself dreaming of all the things that you know you should not have.

Try These 5 Weird Weight Loss Strategies Today

Fad diets come and go, and really – you’re better off without them. But there are some weird strategies that are completely healthy and that really do work. These strategies aren’t fads, and they don’t require you to consume weird foods or to change up your routine in unforeseen ways. They’re just little tweaks that can make all the difference in your weight loss routine because of…

Lost Weight? Here’s How to Avoid Gaining It Back

You lost the weight you wanted to shed – congratulations! Celebrate, treat yourself to a new outfit, a trip somewhere nice, or whatever reward you had planned for when you hit your goal weight – then get back to work. Because now, you have a new focus: maintenance. Preventing yourself from gaining weight requires a different approach than losing the weight in the first place. Here are som…

4 Easy Tips for Planning (and Sticking to) a Healthy Diet

Healthy eating is not about self-deprivation, strict limitations, or trying to stay unrealistically thin. Instead, it’s about feeling great, increasing your energy, and stabilising your mood – and it’s well worth it. However, it can be hard to know where to start when creating a healthy menu. Try these simple tips for eating healthfully every day with ease.
1. Set yourself up for…

Seven Lose-Weight-Fast Tricks to Try This Week

When we’re trying to lose weight, we tend to have one goal above all others: lose weight fast. The reality is that fast weight loss is often temporary weight loss, with the number on the scale creeping right back up as soon as you abandon whatever fad diet you were following. However, there’s something to be said for seeing enough progress to keep you motivated. In the spirit of jump-starting…

Your Next Workout Is Just a Click Away

Have you ever worked out with an online video? If not, why are you waiting? The Internet is full of workout videos, advice, personal training opportunities, and more. Making use of technology to get into better shape is one of the easiest, most convenient ways to make your workout habit stick. Here are some of the benefits.
Online Videos Are Convenient
When you have limited time to work out,…

Undoing Holiday Weight Gain

If you, like so many others, have spent the last month overindulging on sweets, booze, or other high-calorie foods, and now you’re reaping what you sowed on the scale, don’t worry. Follow these easy tips for undoing the damage and, in no time, you’ll be wearing your skinny jeans again.

Keep eating. Skipping meals in an effort to shed holiday weight quickly will only make you hungrier…

Pre-Diabetes: Now What?

Nearly two million Australians are estimated to have pre-diabetes. However, it’s usually possible to stop pre-diabetes in its tracks, and since this condition is highly likely to lead to type 2 diabetes, it’s important to try. Some key lifestyle and diet changes can keep you from developing full-blown diabetes, even if you’ve already received a diagnosis of pre-diabetes.

Pre-diabetes has…

Breakfast Foods that Help You Lose Weight

Let’s face it – breakfast food is delicious! And since you start your day with breakfast, it sets the stage for a healthy diet all day long. Here are some healthy staples to keep on hand to help make your weight-loss journey easier.

Eggs. One egg has 72 calories and six grams of protein, making it a much better choice at breakfast time than a carb-rich food such as a bagel or muffin. T…

Losing Weight as a Family

Many people who need to drop a little (or a lot of) weight are not the only people in their households with the same problem. Seeing your spouse or children with extra, unhealthy weight can be a big motivator for you to model good habits and start getting control of your own weight. However, getting other people on board with your new, healthier lifestyle is sometimes a challenge. Here are som…